Terminology Tuesday – Billing

Although it sounds like billing might be referring to how much money you’re going to make, it’s not. Rather, “billing” refers to Hollywood’s other form of currency – credits.  An actor’s billing refers to where & how an actor’s name gets credited in a film or TV episode. Agents, managers (and lawyers!) will negotiate tirelessly about how and where your name is placed. Position, font size, and whether your name appears alone or alongside another actor(s) are all negotiable points. …

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Why Most Actors Overlook This Important Tool

If you’ve been in the business for longer than 10 years, you might have been part of many conversations starting with the question, “who did your headshots?” Actors love to obsess over headshots. Why? Not really sure, to be honest. Maybe because it’s the easiest (and arguably) most fun task in the frequently demanding life of an aspiring actor. I’ve found that actors also love to spend an ungodly amount of time on their postcard mailers, headshot drop-offs (usually accompanied …

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