Terminology Tuesday – CSA

Ever wondered what those “CSA” letters mean after a casting director’s name? 👉🏼 CSA stands for the “Casting Society of America”. Originally founded in 1982, CSA is a professional society of close to 1,000 casting directors and associates from all over the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and Africa. CSA was established in order to recognize a standard of professionalism in the casting field and to provide its members with a support organization to further their goals and protect their …

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Terminology Tuesday – DPU

Known as a Drop Pick-Up, this is a term that casting professionals and producers use when a production wants to work a day player, drop them for a certain amount of time, and then work them again later without paying for intervening work days. Certain rules must be in place for this. If, at the time of original engagement, the day performer is given a firm pick-up date which is more than 14 calendar days after the close of his …

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Terminology Tuesday – Fi-Core

Fi-Core stands for ‘financial core’. This status is an option within (SAG-AFTRA) which allows actors to work both union and non-union jobs. There are some disadvantages to being Fi-Core. Most notably, you become a “non-member” in SAG-AFTRA’s estimation. Technically, they categorize you as a Fee Paying Non-Member (FPNM), but since you still pay your dues, you have a valid performer number, retain your benefits and are represented in all collective bargaining activities. Some of the rights you lose when you …

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Terminology Tuesday – Top of Show

Top of Show refers to a set amount of money that is budgeted in a show for its guest star roles. For example, a role might say that the show “does not break top of show,” which means that no matter who the actor is, the show will not pay that person more than what their top of show rate is. Top of show rates vary on the type of show (1 hour, ½ hour), and the type of platform. …

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